Monday, November 16, 2009

Rowdy's 1st Shiner...

I decieded to paint my bedroom the other night(it looks really good by the way). I had moved all of my furniture to the center of the room. I went to get some more paint and in the mean time...Rowdy had crawled on the dog kennel and gotten on the bed. He then proceeded to jump on the bed and fell off the other side, breaking his fall was the cedar chest and the side of his face. There wasn't much blood but there was a lot of swelling. I was up most of the night checking on him to make sure that he didn't have a concussion. I'm sure that it will be the first of many!


  1. that poor little honey! and poor you! everytime Darby gets roughed-up, it seems she has a check-up within a few days and i'm always sure they're going to call child protective services on me. he looks tough, though, so no other kids will mess with him :).

  2. Man, he is a good lookin' boy.
    With a shiner and all!

  3. That story gives me a headache! Poor Rowdy. He still manages to look adorable...bruised and battered!
